Pibamarmi and FAF together
Although limited in a period of only 20 years, the history of Architecture Faculty of Ferrara is extremely rich in events, high-quality choices, nationally and internationally recognized results: among them it’s particularly significant the confirmation for the eighth year in a row as the best Architecture Faculty in Italy according to Censis-La Repubblica charts.
The institutional spaces have enlarged during the last year by the addition of Palazzo Tassoni, completely restored through an extremely changeling restoration process; this concluded the constitution of a real university campus embedded in the pre-existing urban structure of the historical city. In this way the Faculty’s academic and representational activities obtained for a complete functional use the fundamental core of a Renaissance aristocratic residence, now destined to the enlargement of didactical structures, to research activities and to cultural projects promoted with the collaboration of public and private institutions, from local to international scale.
The inauguration ceremony of Palazzo Tassoni that will take place on next 11th December is organized as a series of events that develop different points of view, with institutional authorities’ interventions, high-quality cultural events and artistic moments especially conceived for the occasion.
The central moment of the articulated program will be the ANTICO CONTEMPORANEO (ANTIQUE CONTEMPORARY) conference, thought as a medium to put together and compare the knowledge and interpretations of the most important experts on ancient civilizations, and the projects of well-known and internationally acclaimed contemporary architects and designers.
In this context, PIBA Marmi decided to collaborate with the Faculty of Ferrara, firstly supporting the inauguration event on 11th December and then, in the next months, funding specific research activities and communication strategies linked to the themes of architecture and design.