Living stones: Choreographies of the body

Elena Borgatti and The Simple Company

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“The stones started losing their toughness, mitigating their rigidity, and smoothly taking shape. Then, when they gained length and a soft nature, figures similar to human beings could be seen, but not very clearly, as the rough marble in unfinished statues. […his is why we’re a progeny made of stone, experienced by fatigues, and we are testimonies of the origin we were born from.”

          Publius Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses, I, 403-405/414-415

The image, recalled by Ovid, of hard stones transformed in soft and smooth human bodies is very adapt to represent the choreographic event conceived by Elena Borgatti to “give life” to a deposit of stone blocks and plates in Arzignano (VI) on next June 13th. Borgatti, dance teacher and critic, founded and directs The Simple Company at DAMS in Padua, for which she has conceived about a hundred choreographies. During the night of June 13th two distinct dance moments will develop in the unusual setting composed by rough stone blocks, first giving a visible counterpart to Beethoven’s music, then unveiling characters, habits, confessions of the bodies of the single dancers in a sequence of solos.
This event will conclude the sixth edition of DisSensi, cultural events that every year proposes a series of pluri-disciplinary meetings linked to different themes that allow connections and intersections with the diverse forms of arts, architecture, science and communication. The themes are chosen on the base of provocative literary and artistic choices, thought for stimulate debates and confrontations.
This year’s events will take place in important spaces of local production realities: Anzolin Industries, Bonazzi-Lagnerini Filanda, Pibamarmi blocks deposit. In fact DisSensi has decided to locate the events in peculiar productive spaces of the town, connecting the cultural reflection on the present to the local economical tradition and to the  future productive challenges.
Dissensi 2010’s title is “Disinformacia Spa”, a way to explore and know more about the theme of misinformation: “From the grey offices of Stalin’s censorship to the luminous marketing departments of the multinational corporations, now more than ever the fatal connection between Power and Words is perpetrated. It’s the liturgy of images, the mysterious art of demystification.”
This year’s events started on May 28th with the monologue “A come Srebrenica” by actress Roberta Biagiarelli; on June 25th it’s the time of the concert of space-organized music “Voices and sounds in memory of Anna Politkovskaja”, hold by Coenobium Vocale choir and inspired by the dramatically precise words of the Russian journalist tragically assassinated in 2006; the meeting with author Oliviero Beha, “The Televoting Country”, will take place on June 10th concentrating on the state of journalism and society in Italy, on the vices of politics and on the mass media distractions, but also on the chances of redemption of free journalism in the contemporary world.
The kermesse will eventually end on June 13th  at 20.45 in Pibamarmi stone blocks deposit with the dance event by Elena Borgatti and Simple Company, “Quartet and SoloS”. During the night there will also be an enogastronomic itinerary conceived by Giampietro and Giorgio Damini in order to activate the strong and vital persuasive force of the taste.

by Davide Turrini