Spanish National Architecture Prize 2020
Alberto Campo Baeza, La Pietra di Sisifo Pibamarmi pavillion, Verona, 2013
We are glad to announce that Alberto Campo Baeza has been awarded the Spanish National Award for Architecture 2020. Congratulations to Alberto to whom we are linked by a long professional collaboration and friendship.
Alberto Campo Baeza was awarded the Spanish National Architecture Prize 2020 by the Spanish government and in particular by the ministry for transport, mobility and the urban agenda. The prize is awarded annually to Iberian architects of international outstanding and represents the highest national architectural award previously given to, among others, Alejandro de la Sota, Juan Navarro Baldeweg and Rafael Moneo.
For the 2020 edition the jury was composed of Alvaro Siza Vieira, Manuel Gallego, Estrella de Diego, Elisa Valero, Carme Pigem, Inmaculada Maluenda and Lucía Cano, joined by representatives of the ministry. Campo Baeza's nomination was put forward by a large group of institutions including the universities of architecture in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Valladolid, Pamplona and Granada and the colleges of architects of numerous other Spanish cities.
Alberto Campo Baeza is professor emeritus at the ETSAM in Madrid, he is a member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Fine Arts and in his long career he has already been awarded with prestigious prizes such as the Tessenow Medal, the Arnold Brunner Prize of the American Academy of Arts and Letters of New York, the Piranesi Prize of the Adrianea Academy in Rome and the CSCAE Gold Medal for Architecture.
The architect, who in 2021 will undertake a new teaching path at the New York Institute of Technology, does not own a television, nor cars, nor smartphones and yet his website has more than 7 million views. He is happy, thanks God for everything he has had in life and says that his collaborators and his friends are all better than him.